100 Years of Alaska's Legislature
"From Territorial Days to Today"

1913 to 2013

Juneau, Alaska

State & Territorial

Nathan Coombs

OCCUPATION:Businessman from Council

BIRTH DATE/PLACE:12/19/1880; Napa, California

EDUCATION:High School: Napa High School, California, graduate

SPOUSE:Olive Storey

CHILDREN:Nathan Storey, Alison Shelton

EMPLOYMENT:Proprietor, Ship Chandlery Business, San Francisco, California; Proprietor, Drug Store, Nome; Proprietor, General Merchandise Store, Nome; Clerk, Court Office, Nome; Clerk, District Attorney's Office, Nome; Clerical Position, Wild Goose Mining Co.; Proprietor, Gas Station, Napa, California

SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS:Member, Arctic Brotherhood; Member, Pioneers