100 Years of Alaska's Legislature
"From Territorial Days to Today"

1913 to 2013

Juneau, Alaska

State & Territorial

Karl Drager

OCCUPATION:Lawyer from Anchorage

BIRTH DATE/PLACE:07/06/1891;
Seattle, Washington

MILITARY SERVICE:US Navy, WWI, resigned 1922;
US Navy 2 years, 1943-1944


CHILDREN:Eunice, Courtland, Karl Allen Jr.

EMPLOYMENT:Superintendent, Territorial Fish Hatchery, Seward, Alaska;
Proprietor, Merchandise Business, Ketchikan, Alaska; Agent, Union Oil Co., Ketchikan, Alaska; Policeman, Ketchikan, Alaska; Private Law Practice, Ketchikan, Alaska;
Secretary, Alaska Boxing Commission;
City Magistrate, Anchorage, Alaska; City Attorney, Anchorage, Alaska

SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS:Member, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States; Member, American Legion; Member, Forty and Eights; Member, Elks