100 Years of Alaska's Legislature
"From Territorial Days to Today"
1913 to 2013
Juneau, Alaska
State & Territorial
Richard Halford
BIRTH DATE/PLACE:09/17/1944; Boston, Massachusetts
CHILDREN:Stacy, Katy, Tina, Kellen
OCCUPATION:Commercial Pilot, Guide
MILITARY:Alaska Air National Guard, 7 years,
1968-1975, Staff Sergeant, Honorable Discharge
EDUCATION:High School: Norwell High School, 1958-1962
College/University: King's College, Alaska Methodist University,
B.A. History/Political Science, Minor in Economics
EMPLOYMENT:Halford Guide Service
COMMUNITY SERVICE:Life Member, National Rifle Association; Chugiak/Eagle River Chamber of Commerce; Alaska Outdoor Council; Greater Wasilla Chamber of Commerce
SPECIAL INTERESTS:Flying, children, outdoor activities
OTHER:Outstanding Legislator of the Year, Phi Delta Kappa, 1988;
Wildlife Conservation Legislator of the Year, Alaska Outdoor Council, 1990;
Outstanding Republican State Senator, Alaska Republican Party, 1992;
Defender of Freedom Award, National Rifle Association, 1996