100 Years of Alaska's Legislature
"From Territorial Days to Today"

1913 to 2013

Juneau, Alaska

State & Territorial

Earl Hillstrand

OCCUPATION:Businessman from Anchorage

EMPLOYMENT:Owner/Operator, "Land's End", Homer;
Operator, Mink Ranch, Homer;
Assistant U.S. District Attorney, Anchorage;
Civilian Attorney, Ft. Richardson;
Founder, Real Estate & Insurance Business

EDUCATION:College/University: Puget Sound College, Bachelor of Arts
College/University: George Washington University, Bachelor of Laws

SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS:Member, Elks; Member, Sportsman's Club; Member, Anchorage Chamber of Commerce; Member, Omega & Alpha Society

OTHER:Candidate, Secretary of State, 1966

BIRTH DATE/PLACE:08/20/1913 Seattle, Washington

SPOUSE:Marry Jane Lloyd

CHILDREN:Gail C., Mary Joanne, John Wesley, Mary Margaret