100 Years of Alaska's Legislature
"From Territorial Days to Today"
1913 to 2013
Juneau, Alaska
State & Territorial
Walter Huntley
OCCUPATION:Carpenter and Farmer from Palmer
BIRTH DATE/PLACE:03/04/1897;
Rudyard, Michigan
EDUCATION:High School: Sault Stephen'S, Marie, Michigan College/University: University of Michigan
SPOUSE:Beatrice Hoag
CHILDREN:Beatrice Jane, Margie Lee, Duanne F., Laddie
MILITARY:U.S. Navy, 2 years, 1917-19
EMPLOYMENT:Manager, Algoma Steel Corporation Store, Filborn Quarry, Michigan; Union Carbide, Sault Stephen Marie; Carpenter and Break Instructor, Railroad Terminal Yards, Duluth Minnesota; Colonist, Matanustka Valley Colonization Project; Founder, Developed grade A Dairy Farm; U.S. Marshal, 3d Judicial Division, Anchorage
SERVICE ORGANISATIONS :Member, American Legion; Member, Knights Templar; Member, Moose; Member/President, Matanuska Valley Farmers' Cooperative Association Volunteer, Boy Scouts of America