100 Years of Alaska's Legislature
"From Territorial Days to Today"
1913 to 2013
Juneau, Alaska
State & Territorial
C. K. Snow
OCCUPATION:Miner, Journalist from Ruby
BIRTH DATE/PLACE:12/24/1874; Norwich, New York
EDUCATION:Technical/Vocational: Southern Iowa Normal School, Bloomfield, IowaCollege/University: University of Nebraska
EMPLOYMENT:School Teacher, Hemingford, Nebraska; Principal, Whitehood, South Dakota; Reporter, Nome NUGGET; Reporter, Nome GOLD DIGGER; Held Mail Contract, lower Yukon; Part-Owner/Operator, Ruby RECORD-CITIZEN, Weekly; Deputy US Marshal, Nulato; Deputy US Marshal, Ruby
SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS:Member, Pioneers; Member, Eagles; Member, Moose
OTHER:Father of Alaska's Bone Dry Law, prohibiting the sale of hard liquor.