100 Years of Alaska's Legislature
"From Territorial Days to Today"

1913 to 2013

Juneau, Alaska

State & Territorial

Pearse Walsh

OCCUPATION:Miner, Airline Executive from Nome

BIRTH DATE/PLACE:01/16/1919 Nome, Alaska

EDUCATION:High School: Nome, Alaska College/University: University of Alaska

MILITARY SERVICE:US Army Air Corps, 4 years, 1941-1945

SPOUSE:Mary Ellen Sprole

CHILDREN:Daniel, John, Brian

EMPLOYMENT:Agent, Pan-Am World Airways, San Francisco, Seattle, Nome; Station Manager, Alaska Airlines, Nome, Alaska; Employee, Lost River Mining Corporation; Self Employed, Prospector

SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS:Member, State Planning Commission; Board Director, Alaska Chamber of Commerce; President, Nome Light & Power Board; President-Nome Igloo/Member, Pioneers; President, Northwest Alaska Chamber of Commerce