Rebecca Himschoot

District: 2
Party: Not Affiliated
Toll-Free: 888-461-3732

Session Contact
State Capitol Room 409
Juneau AK, 99801
Phone: 907-465-3732
Interim Contact

Sitka AK, 99835
Phone: 907-747-4665

Representative Rebecca Himschoot is a retired elementary teacher who has lived in Sitka for 26 years. She has served on several boards as well as the Sitka Assembly. Over her 30-year career in education, Rep. Himschoot was recognized as an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator with a fellowship at the National Science Foundation and received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. She currently serves on the House Fisheries, Community & Regional Affairs, and Education Committees as well as the House Corrections, Fish & Game, Public Safety, and Education & Early Development Finance Subcommittees. Depending on the weather, she can be found on a mountain, in a kayak, bicycling, or hunkered down with a good book. Rep. Himschoot refers to her “North Star” as the Alaskan values of hard work, freedom, compassion, and integrity, and she is committed to improving the quality of life in her region and throughout Alaska.